Thursday 12 December 2013


"Having a low opinion of yourself is not 'modesty.' It's self-destruction. Holding your uniqueness in high regard is not 'egotism.' It's a necessary precondition to happiness and success.”
― Bobbe Sommer

Anyone who thinks their value is achieved from their physical appearance or the amount of attention they can derive from men need to understand that they are minimising their existence to mere "bodies". Modesty is a powerful concept but only when we begin to love and respect our attributes as more then mere bodies of beauty and perfection. Our self perception plays an important aspect in providing justice to our entire being and our purpose of life. We are all here to play our part provided we give it a thought and recognize our areas of perfectionism.
If we perceive ourselves as capable, important, achievers, respectful, admirable and above all as a woman of substance we will strive to be better and inspirational as compared to someone who solely exists to ditch these virtues to look "hot".
Emphasize  on the innate beauty of being a woman. We give birth to generations. We bear the future. We feed and serve not to stoop but to hold our head high in nurturing our generations, not just physically but mentally too.
Celebrate women hood with a reality check of striking a perfect balance between beauty and substance as they go hand in hand to glorify the most beautiful creation on this earth, "WOMAN".

“It seems to be the fashion nowadays for a girl to behave as much like a man as possible. Well, I won't! I'll make the best of being a girl and be as nice a specimen as I can: sweet and modest, a dear, dainty thing with clothes smelling all sweet and violet, a soft voice, and pretty, womanly ways. Since I'm a girl, I prefer to be a real one!”

― Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

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